marți, 5 mai 2009

Tweenterviu despre PR 2.0

Inca din faza preselectiilor am incercat sa incorporam tactici new media in campaniile noastre, ale echipei. Sunt atat de multe tool-uri care apar (unele) peste noapte si care ne ajuta (in masura in care invatam sa le folosim corect) sa ne facem treaba mai usor si mai eficient incat suntem foarte tentate sa le folosim, desi uneori uitam sa ne punem intrebarea- sunt potrivite targetului nostru?

Despre evolutia PR-ului si instrumentele new media am avut o mica discutie cu our Twitter friend Arik Hanson care a avut rabdare si ne-a raspuns la intrebari (chiar daca era Cinco de Mayo). Am ales sa lasam textul in engleza pentru a pastra "savoarea" discursului.

1. How much has PR changed since you graduated?

The PR industry is going through a transformation the likes many of us have never seen. The paradigm continues to shift from a command and control type model to one of influencing, persuading and building community. I also think you're going to see more integration in the next few years and fewer silos. PR will work hand-in-hand with marketers, interactive folks and advertising people. In fact, at some point, the lines of demarcation may go away entirely.

2. How much of what you learned in college still aplies in practice today?

For me, some. I don't feel my textbook college education prepared me for that first job. What did help me prepare were my internships. My work on the school paper. And the Ad Fed and PRSA work I was involved in.

3. What is the best advice you wish you got when you started your career?

The best advice I "wish" I got but didn't receive? I guess I wish someone would have stressed the relationship part of the business earlier in my career. It took me a while to understand that, but it's such a big part of the way we do business--and learn. My community and network is such an important part of who I am today--I couldn't even attempt to quantify it.

4. Which are the most important 2.0 tools for PR pros today?

I'm not sure you can rank them, because they're different for every client and every organization depending on their needs and business goals. And, the tools are changing so rapidly. The trick is to stay current and on top of the newest tools and trends to you can advise your clients effectively.

5. What would be the 3 most important steps (for a brand) when thinking of a 2.0 PR campaign?

Number one: Listen. Just spend a few weeks/months listening to what your customers are saying about your brand. You might be surprised.
Number two: Set clear goals/objectives. This is important on a number of fronts, but most importantly it will set expectations and help establish metrics which will be important to the ROI conversation.
Number three: Engage. Get out there and start engaging your customers. Have honest dialogues with them. Learn from them. Share stories. Listen. And from time to time offer to help. Earn their trust and you'll find your brand champions will be willing to go the extra mile for you time and again.

6. Can you give me an example of a great 2.0 PR campaign?

I think Sea World San Antonio's use of Social Media in a PR sense has been amazing. Great example of how to execute a blogger outreach campaign. They really hit a home run. And, by the way, they continue to innovate and look ahead .

7. What makes it good?

For the example in Q#6, Sea World did their homework on the coaster enthusiast blogger community and designed a plan to help provide them valuable content for their blogs. Blogger outreach is such a new approach, but it's based on basic media relations principles. Serve as a resource to help the journalist (or in this case, blogger) tell a story. Sea World did that wonderfully by giving bloggers access to all sorts of resources and giving them a sneak peek at the new park. I think the results tell the story.

Ii multumim inca o data lui Arik si va invitam sa-l cititi si pe blog sau pe Twitter.

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